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Lead generation: what is the optimum conversion rate?

By James Crowder | 16 September 2021

Almost everything in inbound marketing can be measured, so why focus on conversion rates? Cost per conversion seems more useful when identifying lead generation channels that deliver ROI, and cost per acquisition is much better for determining the overall cost-effectiveness of a particular strategy....

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5 Mistakes To Avoid When Selling To Inbound Leads

By Scott Barr | 15 September 2021

The thing about inbound is that it is quite a complex machine, and its potential to produce better leads at a much higher ROI than other channels comes at a cost: adopters need a wide range of skills (some very specialised) to make an inbound campaign work.

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How to use channel mapping to improve revenue

By James Crowder | 2 September 2021

What is channel mapping?

You only have so much time, energy and budget, and if you want to ensure the highest ROI from your sales strategies, you have to be more than just effective; you have to be efficient.

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Why You Should Combine Outbound And Inbound Marketing

By Stuart Thompson | 26 August 2021

Since inbound marketing has become prevalent in the B2B sector, there’s been plenty of discourse around the inbound vs. outbound debate. Inbound marketing has, by some people, been revered as the silver bullet to combat growing resistance to generic and one-size-fits-all marketing messages.

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How enriched data can boost marketing ROI

By James Crowder | 20 August 2021

Marketing ROI is tied directly to message relevance. Consumers have no time for messages that are of no significance to them, and marketers can achieve higher engagement rates only by making their messages more relevant.

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5 B2B lead generation myths debunked

By Jenny | 19 August 2021

Much has been written about lead generation, and while much of this advice is useful, there are just as many fallacies. Here, we look at what are possibly the five most dangerous lead generation myths.

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