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Bridge The Gap: Converting Digitally Generated MQLs Into Sales Ready Prospects

By James Crowder | 9 July 2024

Despite the pursuit of the same end goal, sales and marketing teams often find themselves in disagreement about how best to follow up digitally generated prospects, in order to maximise revenue generation.

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Smarketing; Aligning Sales and Marketing Teams to Boost Productivity

By James Crowder | 13 May 2024

Deconstructing the Discord

Imagine watching your favourite band, live in concert, but the rhythm section is not in sync, and the instruments aren't in tune with each other....confusion sets in and you'll probably never pay to see them live again!

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5 Lead Generation Tactics to Complement B2B Telemarketing

By GCL | 6 September 2022

One of the biggest lead generation challenges for B2B marketers is getting prospects to convert. 51% of the respondents to Chief Marketer's B2B Lead Gen Outlook survey said that they are concerned about conversion and 63% of marketers reported to HubSpot that lead generation is their most pres...
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5 Of The Most Popular Types Of Marketing Data Analysis Tools

By GCL | 5 September 2022

For marketers to survive in the modern digital marketing space, they need the right tools to understand whether their campaigns are succeeding or failing. These tools will allow marketers to measure ROI at different stages of a campaign and provide clients with the metrics they need to justify marke...

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The Four Most Effective Channels For Account Based Marketing

By James Crowder | 19 January 2022

It’s no shock that account-based marketing (ABM) has become as widespread as it has. The fact that it’s based around crafting marketing messages, content and pitches targeted to individual accounts (rather than firing out generic content to anyone and everyone), means you’re more likely to make sale...

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How To Use Market Research To Upsell To Your Existing Account

By James Crowder | 23 November 2021

Despite the fact that acquiring new customers costs five times as much as retaining current customers, 44% of companies focus their efforts on attracting new business, compared to 18% that focus on customer retention. That says a lot about what businesses think is the better way to generate leads....

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