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Why the UAE’s new telemarketing rules are a positive for the industry

By James Crowder | 12 September 2024

As recently announced by the TDRA in UAE, the landscape of telemarketing in UAE has undergone some major changes in August 2024, through the introduction of Cabinet Resolution No.56 and Cabinet Resolution No.57.

Whilst this may cause a level of uncertainty as to how the Telemarketing can be conduct...

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Bridge The Gap: Converting Digitally Generated MQLs Into Sales Ready Prospects

By James Crowder | 9 July 2024

Despite the pursuit of the same end goal, sales and marketing teams often find themselves in disagreement about how best to follow up digitally generated prospects, in order to maximise revenue generation.

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Follow the leads up, leads up, leads up - How to get the most out of a B2B event

By James Crowder | 10 June 2024

Whether it’s in the form of exhibitions, breakfast briefings, webinars, or private C suite round table events, B2B events qualify as crucial activities in an organisation’s sales and marketing calendar.

Like any investment, there needs to be a proven return in order to make it worthwhile. But with...

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Summer's arrival doesn't mean Lead Generation has to stop...

By James Crowder | 22 May 2024

As the mercury rises, it's commonly thought that every business slows down over the summer months. With school holidays, annual leave and people being busier with summer activities, nobody has time for replying to emails or thinking about doing business, right?

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Smarketing; Aligning Sales and Marketing Teams to Boost Productivity

By James Crowder | 13 May 2024

Deconstructing the Discord

Imagine watching your favourite band, live in concert, but the rhythm section is not in sync, and the instruments aren't in tune with each other....confusion sets in and you'll probably never pay to see them live again!

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Effective B2B Databases - Data Insight and Enhancement

By James Crowder | 16 April 2024

The moment has arrived to focus on promoting that new product or solution, the one that the CEO has personally been championing. With everything set in motion, the content finalised and the infographics looking amazing, the question arises - what about the mailing list? Will the one you used a coupl...

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