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Bridge The Gap: Converting Digitally Generated MQLs Into Sales Ready Prospects

By James Crowder | 9 July 2024

Despite the pursuit of the same end goal, sales and marketing teams often find themselves in disagreement about how best to follow up digitally generated prospects, in order to maximise revenue generation.

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Summer's arrival doesn't mean Lead Generation has to stop...

By James Crowder | 22 May 2024

As the mercury rises, it's commonly thought that every business slows down over the summer months. With school holidays, annual leave and people being busier with summer activities, nobody has time for replying to emails or thinking about doing business, right?

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8 Factors to Consider When Scoping B2B Telemarketing Costs

By GCL | 28 March 2024

Reading time: 3 minutes

If you are reading this, the likelihood is you may well be considering using B2B telemarketing to support your business needs and hit your targets.

And so, you may be wondering, “How much would it cost & how does it work?”

We’ve put together eight key factors for you to consi...

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9 Powerful Benefits of Outsourcing Your B2B Telemarketing

By GCL | 26 March 2024

Reading time: 4 minutes

B2B telemarketing comes with an abundance of benefits, such as boosting lead generation, appointment setting, filling your pipeline short, mid, and long-term, gaining valuable marketing data insights, raising both brand and product/service awareness and so much more.

An impor...

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The Best Ways to Generate Leads in 2024

By James Crowder | 28 February 2024

With 2024 well underway, marketers are optimistic about what this year will bring, with 66% expecting revenue growth during this time. But to achieve this, both marketers and salespeople need to adapt to the shifts in lead generation trends. While some channels and strategies stand the test of time,...

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Is Your B2B Data Decaying? 5 Ways to Tell

By GCL | 21 June 2023

Reading time: 4 minutes

Have you ever attempted to connect with a decision maker, only to be told they left the company five years ago, or in worse cases, the business has closed down altogether?  

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