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The invisible team

By Emma Wainman-Sale | 22 March 2016

Definition of Outsource: ‘To relocate or transfer (jobs) to another labour market’

Although strictly true, this definition alone highlights one of the objections we face when talking to prospects. The notion of handing over a project or campaign may seem alien to some people and often marketing mana...

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It's not rocket science, its more technical

By Emma Wainman-Sale | 14 March 2016

We don’t know how to sell a flux capacitor, but if you have invented one, we can get you in front of the right people.

One of the most common objections we hear is ‘You can’t possibly sell my product/service like I can, it’s too technical’. The truth of the matter is; no, we can’t. Here at GCL, we d...

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Inhouse vs Outsourced...Why the fight?

By Emma Wainman-Sale | 4 March 2016

When starting a new telemarketing campaign, many people think that they have to make the decision, ‘in-house or outsource?’. The truth of the matter is, why not have your cake and eat it? Like strawberries and cream, an in-house team partnered with an outsourced solution can make the perfect telemar...

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Have you missed the boat?

By Emma Wainman-Sale | 19 February 2016

Senior level, high quality, high value telemarketing is a process. The right person is often very difficult to reach; they are either in meetings, guarded by gatekeepers like the crown jewels or you haven’t got the timing quite right. One thing is for sure, you will never be able to make that appoin...

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Social media gives Telemarketing a new lease of life

By Emma Wainman-Sale | 11 February 2016

 The four golden rules of Social Media

It’s safe to say that as marketing is constantly evolving, social media is considered as a major part of the B2B marketing mix. This being said, it is surprising to see how many companies don’t use it to its full potential. Is social media just ‘the latest craz...

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The evolution of Telemarketing

By Emma Wainman-Sale | 9 February 2016

‘Back in my day’…Telemarketing was the office based version of the door-to-door sales person. During the 1970’s, the term Telemarketing was coined on the back of its application by Bell Telephone Company (now AT&T). Telemarketers would work their way through the telephone directory with little str...

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