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Why an MQL is not the same as an SQL

By Sam Crowder | 6 April 2016

Sales and marketing are the same but different. Both want to bring in new business however; they are responsible for completely different ends of the sales funnel. Marketing are responsible for the attract phase of the sales funnel. They have to take somebody with no prior knowledge of the business...

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When does an MQL become an SQL?

By Sam Crowder | 5 April 2016

So when does an MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead) become an SQL (Sales Qualified Lead)?

Before we answer that question we should first look at the buyer’s journey. The buyer’s journey consists of three stages: awareness, consideration and decision. Let’s take a quick look at each of these:

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What is an ideal MQL follow up timescale?

By Sam Crowder | 4 April 2016

We know this isn’t exactly rocket science but the faster you follow up on a marketing lead the more chance of it converting! Sales leads that are hot off the press stand a much better chance of turning into a sale if they are contacted within 24 hours but it’s amazing how many organisations fail to...

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5 reasons to outsource your telemarketing

By Emma Wainman-Sale | 31 March 2016

If you are considering outsourcing your telemarketing but aren’t quite sure, we have put together 5 simple reasons why it may be the best option for your business.

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Finding the right people for the right job

By Emma Wainman-Sale | 29 March 2016

As they say, ‘variety is the spice of life’.

Telemarketing agencies like GCL Direct have the benefit of choosing from a large pool of experienced Telemarketers that all have different specialisms. By outsourcing telemarketing campaigns to a company such as GCL, you are able to select from a diverse ...

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We don't sell double glazing

By Romaana Mahtey | 25 March 2016

Let’s face it, the terms ‘telemarketing’ and ‘telesales’ are often tossed about interchangeably, but most people don’t know the difference between the two, let alone which one they need, or which one will generate results.

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