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How To Motivate Your Sales Team (Without Commission)

By James Crowder | 12 October 2016

Commission has long been the most logical way to motivate sales teams to sell. Not only will the promise of higher earnings incite them to shift more product, but it takes financial pressure off a business as they only need to pay out if sales are made. In an increasingly competitive economy, you’d...

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Seven SEO Tactics Any Non-Tech Person Can Use

By Stuart Thompson | 5 October 2016

Life hackers, philosophers and motivational speakers will tell you that life is as simple or as complex as you make it out to be. Pithy advice? Probably. But also quite telling when you’re wading through a mountain of information and can’t quite make out the difference between myriad complex tools ...

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Is Your Website Lead Generation Friendly? [Check List]

By James Crowder | 3 October 2016

Savvy inbound marketers know the value of SEO for lead generation. This comes with the importance of aligning your customers’ needs with responsive design that’s optimised for usage to improve your visibility, drive traffic, and get the desired results.

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4 Ways To Improve The Performance Of Your Sales Team

By James Crowder | 28 September 2016

As the force that drives your customer acquisition, your sales team plays a big part in the growth of your business. In fact, without an effective sales team, most companies wouldn’t survive. It comes as no surprise then that top sales directors put no small amount of effort into finding the best s...

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GCL Email Template Submission For Impact Award Q4 2016

By James Crowder | 28 September 2016

The challenge was this: every time we launched an eBook (about once a month), we would have to produce an email, which would take us up to eight hours from concept to finished HTML. We were also designing a website at the time and just couldn’t spare the time. The answer was to produce a template t...

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How Your Digital Marketing Can Survive Adblockers & Thrive

By Jenny Reardon | 22 September 2016

When Apple released its new iPhone this month, the hardware changes to the beloved product put fans into a tizzy. But it’s not the missing headphone jack that has marketers worried. Beneath the phone’s shiny exterior something nefarious is stirring. You guessed it: a content blocking feature.

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