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Why the UAE’s new telemarketing rules are a positive for the industry

James Crowder | 12 September 2024

As recently announced by the TDRA in UAE, the landscape of telemarketing in UAE has undergone some major changes in August 2024, through the introduction of Cabinet Resolution No.56 and Cabinet Resolution No.57.

Whilst this may cause a level of uncertainty as to how the Telemarketing can be conducted, the overhaul of the current methodology is a welcomed one for the Telemarketing industry and marketers in the region, and the changes should be viewed as a positive for both recipients and companies alike.


Improving Trust in the Market

For years, there have been cases of consumers within the UAE being subject to unwanted marketing calls about unrelated products and services. In some cases, this has led to individuals receiving a high volume of calls across the week, being contacted outside of working hours, and in extreme cases even falling victim to scams.

Unregulated and unethical cold calls are frustrating and can often mean that people are less likely to answer phone calls, for fear that it may be yet another nuisance caller. Up until now, there has been a distinct lack of trust in the nature of such calls.

Now, with the regulations that have come into effect, companies targeting consumers will need to obtain prior approval from the relevant authorities before conducting any telemarketing - excellent news if you’re a legitimate company, and bad news if you’re not.


This change will mean three significant things:

  1. Individuals will now only receive calls from legitimate companies that follow best practices
  2. Legitimate companies will no longer be part of the noise created by nuisance callers
  3. This will lead to increased trust between callers and recipients - meaning potentially more answered calls and higher conversions for those following the best practices


This essentially means that individuals will now only receive legitimate calls from legitimate companies that can add real value. By cutting out the noise of nuisance callers, recipients can now answer calls freely, safe in the knowledge that the call will be from a reputable company that will follow the compliance requirements. This change will also improve the reputation and public perception of telemarketing as a whole, as consumer frustration from unwanted calls will be reduced.

Companies can now distinguish themselves as professional and ethical, which in turn enhances their brand reputation and attracts clients who value compliance. This translates to better engagement rates with your target market, as your call is more likely to be answered, leading to increased efficiency of telemarketing campaigns and a better ROI on sales and marketing spend.


Better Targeting, Efficiency and Enhanced Customer Experience

Your target audience will appreciate a less intrusive approach, leading to a more positive overall experience with your brand. When calls are well-timed and relevant, they are more likely to be received favourably, leaving a better impression and increasing the likelihood that your target audience will engage with you now, or in the future.

With more focus on consent and targeting, telemarketers can also tailor their approach to match the needs and interests of the consumer. This personalised consumer experience leads to more meaningful interactions and a higher likelihood of successful outcomes.

As the rules on who can be contacted are becoming more strict, telemarketers are encouraged to refine their strategies and focus on quality leads. This increases the efficiency of campaigns, and the focus on quality over quantity leads to higher conversion rates and better ROI.

To comply with the new rules, companies must maintain accurate and updated contact databases. This improved data accuracy reduces the likelihood of wasted efforts on outdated or incorrect information.

The implementation of clear opt-out mechanisms also streamlines campaigns. By providing clear options to opt-out of future calls, the rules help telemarketers avoid reaching uninterested individuals, focusing instead on more receptive prospects.

The new cold calling rules in the UAE create a more controlled and respectful environment for both your potential customers and the telemarketers making the calls. By promoting ethical practices and improving the efficiency of telemarketing efforts, these rules benefit the industry by fostering trust, improving results, and ensuring long-term sustainability.


Legal Protection and Compliance 

The new rules also help companies to stay within legal boundaries, avoiding fines and other penalties associated with non-compliance. This not only saves money but also protects the business from legal issues.

Consistent regulations across the industry also provide a level playing field, ensuring that all companies operate under the same standards, maintaining industry stability. This reduces the likelihood of rogue operators who might otherwise harm the industry’s credibility.


In Summary...

Overall, the new cold-calling rules in the UAE create a more controlled and respectful environment for both consumers and telemarketers.

By promoting ethical practices and improving the efficiency of telemarketing efforts, these rules benefit the industry by fostering trust, improving results, and ensuring long-term sustainability.


Click on the link below to download real case studies of how GCL have supported UAE and GCC event organisations, in running visitor and exhibitor promotion telemarketing campaigns. 

For over 10 years, GCL have been boosting attendee numbers of the right personas, running exhibitor promotion campaigns, and building targeted databases in the GCC region. Find out more below:  Download EMEA Case Sdudy Document