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Summer's arrival doesn't mean Lead Generation has to stop...

James Crowder | 22 May 2024


As the mercury rises, it's commonly thought that every business slows down over the summer months. With school holidays, annual leave and people being busier with summer activities, nobody has time for replying to emails or thinking about doing business, right?

As a blanket statement, this is simply not true. It is true that different sectors will have peaks and troughs throughout the year and it is important to know when these are for your business. But, rather than succumbing to the notion that seasonal holidays and other major events are a bad time to carry out lead generation activities, you need to ask yourself “how do people want to engage over this period”. Once you delve into this, you can then identify how to continue to generate leads throughout the low periods, and adapt strategies effectively, to continue working in the most productive way. 

Let’s take a look at some examples of the unique characteristics of summer and how they can influence B2B lead generation:


- Conferences and Networking events: Early Summer is a popular time for industry events, meaning regular business operations might slow down as key personnel attend these events. However, after these events have taken place, there is a great opportunity for following up with new leads, in order to further qualify them and move them through the funnel. Therefore, it is important to adapt your strategy, with these factors in mind, to ensure that you continue to maximise your lead generation efforts.

Budget planning: Many companies use Summer months to assess budget planning for the remainder of their fiscal year. If there is remaining budget to be allocated, this can be an opportune time for B2B businesses to put themselves in a favorable position for prospective clients' future plans. Tailoring communications to address budgetary considerations and future planning can help keep the lead engagement active during slower months.

- Creative marketing campaigns: Summer may offer a perfect time to experiment with creative marketing campaigns. Whether it’s themed content that plays on summer activities or strategic social media campaigns that capitalise on summer trends, businesses can grab attention in unique ways that might not be as effective during busier times.

- Communication channels: Even if people are away and not checking their emails or answering the phone, they’re likely still on their social channels. Keeping up with your digital content creation, and maintaining a regular presence across social media, will help to keep you front of mind on their return to work.

- Data Health: Quieter months can provide a much needed opportunity to assess the health and relevance of your Sales and Marketing Database. This can be a time to work on cleaning (removing non-relevant and updating contact details) and building new data (Gap Analysis). Take a look at our Data Healthcheck Guide for more details on this area. 


Overall, summer presents a mix of challenges and opportunities for B2B lead generation. But by planning ahead and adjusting strategies to the seasonal dynamics, businesses can not only maintain, but possibly enhance their lead generation efforts. It’s all about understanding the rhythm of the season and adapting to its pace. From leveraging industry events to enriching digital content, the key is to stay proactive and creative, ensuring your business remains on the radar even as the temperature soars.


If you'd like to read more about combatting the seasonal slump, click below to download our guide!


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