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Is B2B Telemarketing Still Relevant in 2024?

By GCL | 28 May 2024

Reading time: 4 minutes

‘I'sn't it just spammy cold calls?', ‘Is it a relic of the ’90s?' , 'Does it even work anymore?’.....

These are a few of the questions that may come to mind based on perceptions of B2B telemarketing today. So, does B2B telemarketing still work in 2024?

The answer to this is y...

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Summer's arrival doesn't mean Lead Generation has to stop...

By James Crowder | 22 May 2024

As the mercury rises, it's commonly thought that every business slows down over the summer months. With school holidays, annual leave and people being busier with summer activities, nobody has time for replying to emails or thinking about doing business, right?

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Smarketing; Aligning Sales and Marketing Teams to Boost Productivity

By James Crowder | 13 May 2024

Deconstructing the Discord

Imagine watching your favourite band, live in concert, but the rhythm section is not in sync, and the instruments aren't in tune with each other....confusion sets in and you'll probably never pay to see them live again!

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Effective B2B Databases - Data Insight and Enhancement

By James Crowder | 16 April 2024

The moment has arrived to focus on promoting that new product or solution, the one that the CEO has personally been championing. With everything set in motion, the content finalised and the infographics looking amazing, the question arises - what about the mailing list? Will the one you used a coupl...

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Data buying guide: how to buy B2B Data

By James Crowder | 11 April 2024

To Buy or Not to Buy?

Data is crucial to every aspect of today’s business and nowhere is this more true than within Sales and Marketing. Alongside your products, services and solutions – data is one of your key tools and should be the raw material used to drive sales through intelligence led deci...

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Five Steps to Improve and Clean Your Marketing Data

By Scott Barr | 3 April 2024

A marketing campaign is nothing without good, shiny data. In order to drive leads and conversions, you need to ensure your data is relevant, accurate, and up to date. According to this Gartner study, “the annual financial impact of poor data quality on organisations is $9.7 million”. 

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