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How Much is B2B Telemarketing - Pricing Models Guide

By GCL | 1 March 2023

Reading time: 3 minutes

Businesses are always on the look-out for the most cost-effective pricing strategies, however, many end up getting tunnel vision and lose focus of the bigger picture, which is obtaining high-quality leads & nurturing them into sales-ready prospects, building a sustainable pip...

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Does B2B Telemarketing Still Work in 2023?

By GCL | 23 February 2023

Reading time: 4 minutes

When you hear ‘B2B Telemarketing’ in current times, a few thoughts may come to mind:

‘Spammy cold calls’ ‘It died in the ’90s'  'Does it bring any results?’

The answer to those are:

B2B Telemarketing is much more complex than simply ‘cold calling’ and is still going strong and...

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8 Lead Generation Trends Not to Ignore in 2023

By James Crowder | 9 January 2023

As 2023 gets underway, marketers are optimistic about what the next 12 months hold, with 66% expecting revenue growth during this time. But to achieve this, both marketers and salespeople need to adapt to the shifts in lead generation trends. While some channels and strategies stand the test of time...

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5 Channels To Include In Your B2B Lead Generation Toolkit

By Scott Barr | 15 December 2022

When developing an effective B2B lead generation strategy, there are a few questions you need to ask: “What are our key selling points?”, “How well established is our brand?”, “Who are our customers?” One particularly critical question is “What channels should we be using as part of this strategy?” 

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How B2B Telemarketing Can Drive Your Accounts Based Marketing

By James Crowder | 10 November 2022

No longer synonymous with cold-calls, B2B Telemarketing can generate the right type of leads for your brand, especially when combined with accounts based marketing (ABM). ABM is fishing for tuna with a line, or fishing with a spear if you’re the president of marketing at Heinz, rather than fishing...

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Is your pipeline stagnant?

By GCL | 9 September 2022

The sales pipeline is the method of the sales team understanding the abstract concept of the sales process. In layman’s terms, it tracks the flow of your prospective sale from a new contact, to prospect, to lead and hopefully to a fully-fledged customer.

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