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Online Lead Generation

By sam | 28 April 2015

Once upon a time B2B direct marketing relied upon that little yellow bible that was the telephone book. Talking to anyone who has been in telemarketing for more than 20 years they will tell you about how all they had when they started was a copy the local telephone directory, a notepad and a phone!

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What Does Lead Generation Mean to You?

By sam | 16 April 2015

What does Lead Generation mean to you? It may seem like a simple question but if we were to ask people at 10 different companies we would get 10 different answers. At what point does a suspect become a prospect, how does a prospect become a lead and when does that lead get given to the sales team to...

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What Has Happened to Lead Generation Campaigns?

By sam | 14 April 2015

Build it and they will come. Unfortunately that seems to be the mantra of a lot of B2B businesses these days “We’ve built this really cool landing page and created this amazing video with an interactive guide to our products but no one’s bought anything”. Sure they may post some links via twitter or...

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Lead Generation ≠ Marketing Automation

By sam | 8 April 2015

Just what do we class as lead generation these days? Type “Lead Generation” into a search engine and the top results will be from marketing automation platforms such as Marketo, Pardot, and Eloqua . But is lead generation all about automating your digital world?

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Struggling to be Social

By sam | 2 April 2015

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The Social Struggle

By sam | 23 March 2015

Struggling to make Social perform? Seems like everyone is chasing the elusive pot of leads at the end of the Social Media Rainbow and yet many B2B Marketers are frustrated with the results and lack of them.

This month we’re sharing some of our Insight on how to make Social perform for Lead Generati...

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