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Does B2B Telemarketing Work in the Summer?

GCL | 5 June 2023

Reading time: 6 minutes

One of the biggest misconceptions about B2B telemarketing during the summer months is that decision-makers are not available, or are less likely to be responsive.  

However, this assumption is not necessarily accurate. While it is true that many people take vacations during the summer, not everyone takes their holiday at the same time, leaving a good portion of decision-makers typically still available, creating potential opportunities to make business connections and close deals. This makes summer a great time to potentially get some quality, productive conversations going through direct telemarketing. 

In this article, we will explore the effectiveness of B2B telemarketing during the summer season and its dependency on factors such as industry sector, geography and decision maker availability. 


Industry sector

When considering seasonality, different industry sectors are affected to varying degrees. It is crucial to factor in the seasonal patterns of your target industries when planning any campaign. 

Certain industries are minimally impacted or unaffected by seasonality, such as the financial and high-tech sectors that operate continuously throughout the year. 

However, there are industries where seasonality plays a significant role. For instance, selling IT solutions to universities and educational sectors during the summer might not be effective as this is the time they typically shut down and implement solutions, rather than make critical decisions. 

Additionally, the public sector and certain segments of heavy manufacturing industries, often experience slowdowns or shutdowns during the summer, significantly reducing chances of making contact. For e.g., reaching members of parliament during the summer recess period. 

On the other hand, some industries have distinct peak seasons that do not align with the summer months. The retail sector, for example, experiences peak season during the Christmas rush, making summer a great time to carry your campaign out. 

Logistics and transportation experience their peak season from October till the end of January, making the summer period an ideal time for planning and engagement. 

There are also industries where summer is the busiest period, and the lead-up to summer serves as the peak campaign period. For instance, selling barbecues or ice cream during the winter months would not be effective. 

For optimal success, it is critical to take into account how your target industry sectors are impacted by the summer period. By doing so, you can align your marketing efforts with their peak season, boost your chances of connecting and closing deals with key decision-makers, hit your targets and ultimately enjoy a prosperous ROI.  



The impact of seasonality in the summer also varies significantly across different regional sectors. 

Among various markets, the United Kingdom tends to be more consistent for calling throughout the year, with some exceptions depending on specific sectors. However, in regions like the Nordics, France and Germany, the month of August is particularly ineffective for calling as people tend to take extensive holidays. Persisting with calls during this time could result in a loss of respect and credibility. 

For instance in Sweden, the law states that employees shall have the opportunity for 4 weeks of continuous holiday leave during the main summer period - usually taken in July - making it unproductive to pursue business communication during that period. 

In contrast, the United States typically has shorter holidays and fewer total days off compared to other regions. On average, employees in the private sector are typically entitled to approximately 11 paid vacation days. This equates to approximately 2 weeks of vacation leave per year. 

In the Middle East, holidays are often tied to traditional or religious observances, which can possibly influence the availability and responsiveness of individuals during the summer season. 

Each region operates differently based on laws and local cultures, therefore it is essential to carry out your research beforehand to ensure you are investing your campaign efforts at the right time. 


Decision maker availability

It is a common misconception that everyone takes their summer holidays simultaneously. However, this belief is not entirely accurate, particularly in the B2B world. Working professionals without children tend to schedule their annual leave outside of the school holiday period, while families with children typically plan their vacations during the summer school holiday period. 

For instance, in the UK most families with children usually take a maximum of two weeks of annual leave during the six-week summer school holiday period. Conversely, working professionals without children often choose to schedule their annual leave outside the summer school holiday period, typically between late July to early September. During this time, they usually take a maximum of two weeks off within the 13-week summer period. This allows them to be accessible for business operations for approximately 85% of the remaining duration. 

This demonstrates that there are professionals within your target organizations who remain accessible for outreach throughout the summer. Unless your focus is solely on a single role within the organization, such as targeting the CEO, where there might be a brief period of unavailability, there are usually multiple decision-makers, operational influencers, and executive stakeholders to engage with. 

 Therefore, even if some members of the Decision Making Unit (DMU) are on vacation at different times during the 13-week holiday period, its highly likely that there will still be relevant people to engage with your campaign, and therefore, it will still be beneficial to approach them during this period. A strategic approach and selecting the appropriate communication channel will ensure effective engagement. 


Is B2B Telemarketing seasonal?

When strategising your summer telemarketing campaign, it is important to take into account your target audience’s industry sector as well as its geographic factors, to understand how it would affect your campaign’s outcome. While sectors like finance and high-tech are known to be less influenced by seasonality, others exhibit distinct seasonal patterns.  

Understanding the optimal timing becomes critical, as certain industries may experience decreased responsiveness, while some prioritise implementation during the summer months. The geographical location also contributes to summer telemarketing success, considering extensive holidays taken in specific regions, such as the Nordics. 

While certain industries and countries may experience seasonal impacts, including but not limited to the summer season, a well-planned and executed campaign will generally face minimal disruptions. However, for the few segments where there is a significant impact, this period can still be utilized effectively to gain a competitive edge and get ahead of the curve, by cleansing and updating your database, researching target personas, strategising upcoming campaigns, and developing relevant supporting assets. Make the most of this time to ensure a successful outreach initiative. 


Laying the groundwork for your summer campaign? Use our free eBook The Practical Guide to Lead Generation for our step-by-step process on driving lead generation in your business.  

Alternatively, you can reach out today to chat through experiences we've had in over 33 years of summer campaigning with one of our account directors, and to determine how we can help you achieve success with your business goals.