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Black Friday, B2B and the Challenge of International Marketing

sam | 28 November 2014

Black Friday a B2C Phenomenon? Black Friday a B2C Phenomenon?

Black Friday is upon us! Shortly to be followed by Cyber Monday, as B2B marketers should we be pitying or envying our B2C colleagues? What can we learn and more importantly what customs, practices and cultural nuances do we need to know for effective international marketing?

The Black Friday phenomenon has slowly found its way over to the UK from the States and more and more UK retailers are embracing the practice of massive discounts and loss leading give aways. However it’s not only the high street that’s trying to capitalise on those all-important pre-Christmas sales; large I.T. providers, web hosting and stationery providers are all offering incentives for businesses to splash their cash.

But will the UK and Europe embrace this tactic from across the pond? After all it wouldn't be the first time we followed trans Atlantic marketing trends; for example over the past 10 years Halloween spending in the UK has increased by almost a factor of 10 and has seen many B2B firms embracing Halloween marketing tactics!

Would discounts and offers tempt you to make an important business purchase? Let us know your thoughts on twitter @GCLDirect #GCLBlackFriday

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