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Why Should Businesses Consider Telemarketing?

essential | 15 January 2013

Telemarketing is increasingly being pushed aside in favour of modern-day digital marketing techniques, but this is a huge mistake. What many businesses don’t realise is that telemarketing – when done correctly – can generate high quality sales-ready leads which in turn generate a healthy growth in sales pipelines.

Lead Generation

Unlike digital marketing techniques, telemarketing successfully builds a relationship with a prospect which, with the right nurturing creates hot leads. This is largely due to the human engagement which is a key part of telemarketing – and something which cannot be generated through digital means. At GCL Direct we have a dedicated team who are experts in their field, ensuring that any interaction with the prospect is of the highest quality.

Customer & Competitor Insight

Aside from accelerating your sales pipeline with a healthy flow of sales-ready leads, what else can telemarketing do for you?

Telemarketing, done in the right way can be a great tool in many scenarios, and not just for generating leads. Instead telemarketing, or telemarketers, engage prospect or customer audiences in many ways; from building contact data and contact intelligence to booking appointments directly for the sales team and through into prospect and customer research, not to mention supporting and growing indirect channels too!

Using telemarketing to engage with prospects and understand their pains, challenges and awareness of you and your solutions can not only inform and shape your marketing plan but can help broaden and deepen your success and competitive edge as a result.

Financially Rewarding

Unlike most sales and marketing tools telemarketing is ultimately trackable and accountable not just in the long term, but in the immediate term too, as telemarketing generates new leads and sales opportunities we’re ensuring that your investments reap rewards quickly and tangibly, watching your sales opportunities grow and building ROI quicker and more effectively as a result.

If you would like to learn more about our telemarketing services please telephone us on 01214 522 020 or click here to complete our online contact form and we will be in touch shortly.